40 Days of Joy

I created this group from what I learned in my own self care/joy/gratitude journey. I realized all of these things were interrelated and you really couldn’t have one without the other two. The self care piece got especially tricky as I realized how much I ignored the joyful, fun and creative parts of my practice. I rarely allowed myself the time and freedom to really PLAY. If you are familiar with Brene Brown’s Guideposts for Wholeheartedness, PLAY figures prominently.

I decided to devote myself to practicing joy the same way I’ve been practicing gratitude – I would look for it daily and ruthlessly enjoy it. And then I had the most radical idea:

What might happen if a group of us committed to seeking out joy each and every day? What if we decided to share that joy with one another and with the world? How might we change our own lives as well the lives of those around us?  Just one small piece of gratitude or laughter or beauty. If ten of us did that for forty days that would be 400 sparks of goodness gone out into a world desperate for it.

And here is my hypothesis: just like gratitude, if you set your sights on joy you will surely find it. As you seek it out you will discover more and more of it lurking all around you. It’s the law of attraction (well, maybe my interpretation of the law of attraction anyway 😊)

I know sometimes words like self care, and joy and fun and play can feel, dare I say it, selfish. Most of us have been raised with a work ethic that leaves little time for such frivolities, but I have found that when you run in this kind of deficit your work eventually suffers. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. YOU CANNOT SERVE FROM AN EMPTY VESSEL.

Good Self-Care is good for your family, your friends, your boss, and your community at large. When you take care of your needs you have so much more to give to the world.

Now, who’s ready to join me?

The Details:

What: 40 days of Joy 
Where: Zoom from wherever you are (video on or off depending on your comfort level)
When: Thursdays beginning Feb 18- April 1 (7 weeks of JOY!)
Time: 10:00 am eastern
Price: 159.00 early bird special (must sign up by Feb 15)  

What you will get: More joy, more fun, more delight which in turn translates to more of the same for your family, friends, colleagues and the world. So, if you want to be a better citizen – start seeking joy!