Chardonnay with an Oreo Chaser?

Compare and Despair 2.0 I recently did a morning show in Jacksonville Florida where I discussed this topic that has the power to wreak such havoc on our sense of peace.  Since I didn’t get to make all my points I thought it might be worthwhile to reiterate them here: Compare and Despair is what […]

I love spring!

I love that it’s about new beginnings. After a long winter (o.k. – I live in Atlanta but I’m from Miami so ANY winter feels long to me) the flowers start to bloom and everything is green and with it my mood lifts and I put my face towards the sun. I don’t think it’s […]

Retreats & Classes Coming Soon!

Check for posted dates.

After the Meltdown….

Last week I told you about my epic Swoozie’s Meltdown (you can read about it here) This week I’d like to tell you about that graduation party I was making invites to. When I think back to that day I can’t stop smiling. There were absolutely no tears. Because it was so much freaking fun! […]

what’s next

“I’ve loved my life”. This is what “Connie” said to me on our way to the airport. We had met waiting for a cab outside The Four Seasons Hotel in Miami. We were both tan, relaxed and happy after spending a weekend in the sun. We decided to share a cab when we realized we […]

How do you eat a cupcake?

How do you eat a cupcake? The answer may say a lot about you. Being a coach I spend a good deal of time helping people set goals. My training taught me that breaking down goals into the smallest possible increments and then rewarding each tiny victory in some tangible way works amazingly well at […]